Monday 6 April 2015

My class

My class is SUPER  annoying. They all are... as the usual. Thanks to them, I'm not the happy go lucky kind of person anymore. Instead of me giving advice to you, it's now you giving advice to me. I need your help urgently. Advice needed ASAP. Send me advice at .

With love:


Monday 30 March 2015

Why Is It Always Me?

Dear diary, why is this world so evil?! Just because I am fat and ugly, that doesn't mean I have to be left out in everything. The world is cruel and evil. Why must there be competitions when the world can live in happiness. I hate this place. I even got kicked out from something I am already in! Grr... those pesky, foolish friends, they don't even know how to program a robot when I can. Yet, they say I can't enter robotics because I'm not up to it. It's the Nirmala story all over again. I keep on asking myself, Why Is It Always Me?

Thursday 4 September 2014

digital storytelling animation competition

Helooooo...... everyone. It's me (again). I just entered a digital storytelling competition. I lost though. Wish me luck for next year.

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Thursday 3 July 2014

My Birthday

Helloooo.... everyone. It's me.... I just want to tell you. 21/6 was my birthday. In fact, the WORST birthday ever. Not one of my friends remember it. Well, if your friends forget your birthday, don't worry. Don't take notice of them.

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Thursday 17 April 2014

Going to camp

Hey guys! It's me, Sara Sophea ( AKA SS). Guess what, I just went to my first camp! It was amazing! ( A bit hot  too). I stood up against the form 5 boys too! They ran away! Anyways that's all from me. Tata...:)

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Friday 11 April 2014


Have you ever been bullied at at school? Well, I have. I have been teased for my appearance. The bully even told other friends not to be friends with me. It makes me sad, but my mum always told me to be tough and patient as that was a challenge from god.. She motivated me to be better and patient. So friends, if you are having the same problem as me, be sure to be tough OK? 

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