Thursday, 17 April 2014

Going to camp

Hey guys! It's me, Sara Sophea ( AKA SS). Guess what, I just went to my first camp! It was amazing! ( A bit hot  too). I stood up against the form 5 boys too! They ran away! Anyways that's all from me. Tata...:)

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Friday, 11 April 2014


Have you ever been bullied at at school? Well, I have. I have been teased for my appearance. The bully even told other friends not to be friends with me. It makes me sad, but my mum always told me to be tough and patient as that was a challenge from god.. She motivated me to be better and patient. So friends, if you are having the same problem as me, be sure to be tough OK? 

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Thursday, 10 April 2014

About Me

Hi! I'm Sara Sophea Binti Abdul Nawfar. People call me either Sara or Sophea (Please don't mistake me as Sarah). I am only 10 years old. Trust me. You might think I am a bit young to start a blog right? But the truth is sometimes stranger then fiction. Anyways i am a Malaysian For your information. My favourite foods are cakes, cookies, cupcakes, instant noodles, macaroni and cheese, well, to be honest, ALL the unhealthy stuff. My weight, now that is a secret.
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